We love to read at our house! Nothing like curling up together with a good book. What we're reading right now:
I'm reading:
(for the 2nd time...) Created to be a Helpmeet by Debi Pearl and Passionate Housewives Desperate for God by Jenny Chancey and Stacey MacDonald. I am not a big fiction reader but recently finished Dandelion Dust by Karen Kingsbury, which I thouroughly enjoyed.
As a family, we are reading aloud from:
Wisdom and the Millers, If You were There at the First Thanksgiving, The Light and the Glory for Children by Peter Marshall and David Manuel, Thanksgiving Stories and Poems by Caroline Feller Bauer, Squanto and the miracle of thanksgiving by Eric Metaxes. We just finished (yesterday) The Little Lamb by Christopher Von Schmidt-We will add it to our other lamplighter favorites: Teddy's Button, A Peep Behind the Scenes, Mary Jones and Her Bible...check out these beautifully written books at www.lamplighterpublishing.com
In our Devotional time, we are reading from: Dear Princess by Mary M Landis (for the girls), The Ergmeier's Story Bible, and Keys for Kids-a free monthly devotional book available at www.cbhministries.org
Mackenzie, my once upon a time very reluctant reader, now can always be found with her nose in a book. Here's what she has just finished or is working on now: Uncharted-a National Treasure Gates Family Mystery by Cathreine Hapka, By the Shores of Silver Lake by Laura Ingalls Wilder, Homer Price by Robert McCloskey, A Peep Behind the Scenes by O.F. Walton and Always Sisters by Cece Winans]
Mae hops from one book to another, a chapter here and there, she only finishes the ones she REALLY enjoys. Lately her favorites have been The original Nancy Drew Mysteries and the Elsie Dinsmore series by Martha Finley. She is my little fact finder and explores the encylcopedias and the dictionary on a daily basis, just for fun.
She has also recently been intrigued by the life and art of Mary Cassat, and has been reading all about her as well.
Noah and Austin love picking out books for me to read-usually a Bible storybook or their all time favorite picture book, Andrew Henry's Meadow. They are also into anything Dr Seuss or Richard Scarry.
Lexie loves to sit in our laps and listen to whatever we are reading. The girls love to read to her from their chapter books and the boys love looking at her little flap books with her.
A few of our favorite books from this past year are:
Kildee House-by Rutherford Montgomery
My Side of the Mountain-by Jean Craighead George
The Whipping Boy-by Fleischman
Ten Peas in a Pod-by Arnold Pent III
Teddy's Button-by Amy Le Feuvre
George Washington-by D'Aulaire
Abraham Lincoln-by D'Aulaire
Hero Tales-by Dave and Neta Jackson
A Hive of Busy Bees-by Effie Williams
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16 hours ago
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