Thanksgiving is now past, but I just wanted to recap and post a few high points of our weekend. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, spent at home with Mike's parents, his brother and niece. My mother in law did most of the cooking, I got out easy with just having to make green bean casserole. Mackenzie made 2 apple pies, My mother in law brought turkey, dressing, rolls, 2 pumpkin pies and a very tasty cream cheese pecan pie(I am hiding the last piece of this in the back of my fridge). I did forget to make the corn, but we had plenty of food, anyway. After we rounded up the kids, we always gather around and say one thing that we are thankful for. Mackenzie was thankful for the food. Noah was thankful for Grandpa's new Polaris Ranger, my niece was thankful that her dad was home for thanksgiving(he works on a barge and is gone a month, home a month). I was thankful that our family had grown since last thanksgiving-Lexie and Austin were having their first thanksgiving with us-Austin was thankful that Jesus died on the cross. I can't begin to say how much that meant to me-considering that when he came to us (1 year ago, dec 7) We asked him if anyone had ever told him about Jesus and he said no. As some of you know, It is quite possible that Austin will get to go home (for those of you who don't know-he is our sweet 6 year old foster child) sometime this spring. Although I know God is in control and I trust him completely with the lives of ALL our children, I have been quite emotional lately, thinking about the possibility of him actually leaving. When he said he was thankful for Jesus dying on the cross, it encouraged me to know that no matter what happens, in the short time that he has been here, he has learned who Jesus is and what He has done for him. If Austin should leave us, I will know that he will be different than when he came and that he will leave knowing there is a God who loves HIM so much that He gave His one and only son. I am so thankful for the time that God has given us with both Austin and Lexie(our 9 month old foster child), as well as Mackenzie, Mae and Noah.
Now on to the rest of the day....Everyone know about the miracle of the loaves and fishes, well at our house on Thanksgiving, pie was multiplied! After we had stuffed ourselves to the point of bursting, we lethargically cleaned up and began to put all the food away. Our sweet neighbor, "Mr Butch" came by, and although the turkey and fixings had already been put away, the kids quickly had him seated with a glass of sweet tea and two pieces pf pie. Austin sat in the corner of the couch just staring at Mr Butch. The boys are big fans of Mr Butch. He is an older bachelor who lives next door with an assortment of about 30 dogs. But that is not why the boys are so fond of him. Mr Butch has TWO tractors, a John Deere gator and a 4-Wheeler. On most days, the boys can be found at the edge of our property watching Mr Butch on his tractors. It is a heavenly day when Mr Butch brings the gator over and tells the kids they can drive it around for the afternoon. ok, I am getting away from myself-so Mr Butch ate his pie, while Austin stared at him and we all chatted awhile. Noah and Mae had gone with Mike and my father in law to pick peanuts. Yes, I am in the south..picking peanuts on thanksgiving day.....After Mr Butch left we wrapped up the remaining pie and put it in the freezer. Not long after, some new friends from church called to accept our invitation to stop by that out came the pies again.....We had a great time visiting and when the day was finally over, Mackenzie remarked, "boy, God sure multiplied some pie today...we just never ran out!!!!" And there is even one more piece, hidden where only I will find it...and so I am thankful for pie, for friends, for the way God continues to multiply his blessings on us.
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15 hours ago
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