Mae & Adyn, The whole gang, Adyn & Lexie
After we left St George Island, we drove all day to Boynton Beach. Noah was so excited to see that Grandma and Grandpa had put a balloon outside their door for him. After hugs and hellos, we had a pizza and cake for Noah's birthday-we were all amazed that Grandma I had baked a cake...I joked that it was probably the first one she has made since about 1975! Noah was thrilled to have presents from Grandma I and Grandpa Charlie to open (a pair of new light up crocs and and erector set) as well as a box that had been sent from poppy & Grammy with a new scooter!
Hard to believe my little boy is 7. He is getting so big.
We all crashed and after camping for 3 days were VERY thankful for beds and air conditioning!!!
Friday the kids spent most of the day with Grandma, Grandpa and Mike swimming at the community pool, while I did tons of stinky laundry from our camping trip. Saturday mom, mackenzie, Mae and I hit the road early for our favorite family pastime-yard sale-ing. We also found some great bargains at the local Goodwill thrift store. Saturday afternoon...more pool time with Grandma and Grandpa's friends, who are all so sweet to the kids.
Sunday we headed up to West Palm Beach to attend worship service at our old church. The kids always love seeing their old friends-it's neat to see how much everyone has changed between or yearly visits.
Sunday evening My mom's friends and my step-brother, his wife and their little boy came over for supper. We had not seen them in 7 years, and it was exciting to meet a "new" cousin-
almost 3 year old Adyn and Lexie had a great time playing together. It was great to see them.
They also spent the day at the beach with us today, and we are all very crispy, and as everyone is getting ready for bed, we are all slathering on the aloe vera gel!!
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